特集記事Special article
星空Starry Sky
"満天の星が光り輝く神秘の星空 開放感抜群のロケーション ひがし北海道で体験する星降る夜" 硫黄山は活火山のダイナミックな噴気を間近で見ることができる有数な観光スポット。夜に訪れゴツゴツした山肌の上を歩くとまるで月面を歩いているかのような神秘的な気分に。写真家たちも数多く訪れるフォトスポット。 弟子屈にある摩周湖のテラスには「星見ソファ」が設置され、星空をゆっくり楽しめる。
"Mysterious sky with full of shining stars Location with a great sense of openness Starry night experience in Eastern Hokkaido" Mt. Io is a popular tourist spot where you can see the dynamic fumes of an active volcano up close. If you visit at night and walk along the rugged mountain surface, you will experience a mystical sensation as if you are walking on the surface of the moon. Many photographers also visit this place.
There are "Hoshimi Sofas (star-gazing sofas)" set up on the terrace of Lake Mashu in Teshikaga, where you can relax and enjoy the starry sky. -
"世界三代夕日のひとつ 海に溶けゆく美しい夕日 世界を巡る船乗りたちが認める美しさ"
写真撮影スポットの人気ナンバー1は幣舞橋付近。晴れる日が多く、空気が澄んだ秋から冬が、最も夕日が美しくみえる季節。"One of the 3 great sunsets in the world Beautiful sunset melting into the sea Beauty recognized by sailors traveling around the world"
The most popular photo spot is near Nusamai Bridge. The best times to see great sunsets are from autumn to winter, when there are many sunny days and the air is clear. -
北浜駅Kitahama Station
"オホーツク海に一番近い駅 流氷に最も近い駅 旅人の軌跡がのこる駅舎"
「オホーツク海に一番近い駅」。真冬には駅前の海岸に流氷がびっしりと訪れる。駅舎には、使い終わった定期券や切符などが所狭しと貼られている。"Station closest to the Sea of Okhotsk Station closest to drift ice Station where the traces of travelers are preserved"
"The station closest to the Sea of Okhotsk." The coast in front of the station is covered with drift ice in the middle of winter. Full of used commuter passes and tickets are put on the wall of the station building. -
タウシュベツ川橋梁Taushubetsu River Bridge
"凍った湖面に出現 幻の橋 クリスタルランド十勝"
夏は湖底に沈み、冬になると凍った湖面上に現れる上士幌町・糠平湖にある幻の橋。ほかにも”アイスバブル”と言われる湖が凍った絶景が見られる。"Appearing on a frozen lake Phantom Bridge Crystalland Tokachi"
A phantom bridge, located at Lake Nukabira in Kamishihoro, sinks to the bottom of the lake in summer and appears above the frozen surface in winter. The spectacular sight of a frozen lake known as "Ice Bubble" can also be seen.